Monday, January 18, 2010

Hamster Diet

Just like all of you, we need a nutritious diet, not just junk food. Even junk food has several tiers, imagine chocolate, you have those cheap chocolates where $1 can get you a lot, and there are expensive chocolates where $1 can't even get you 1% of the chocolate. For us, it is kuachi vs almond.

But before we go into junks, lets talk about main diet, if you like us to be big fat fluffy and have a shiny coat, you gotta feed us with some better foods, not those cheap mix $5 for a big bag. We like this!!

Vitakraft EMOTION sensitive

Vitakraft LIFE POWER



Vitakraft MENU - Aroma Soft

My owner remind me to tell all you pet owner to visit Pet Shack for more info or purchasing needs. He says if I do tell, I will be rewarded with this. Cant wait for it

Vitakraft Praline Yogurt - Aloe Vera