To those who did not choose my family line the winter white, first of all, I just want to say that you missed out a lot, as we are cute and adorable, we are very good pets!
Now, for this first post, I will be talking about the BULLY in our big family, the SYRIANS.
In terms of size, we are way tinier than them hence the BULLY
Well, now you believe me! And if anyone were to do this without supervision, you can expect preparing a funeral for my brother the Winter White. Always remember, never house a different breed of hamster together, even if the same breed, there are a chance that we will kill each other, this is just a natural instincts of us, we are very territorial, though they might be in the same family, but having different parents means we will fight for the land. ROAR!!!
Its an almost always absolute death for any other breed when they are left alone with the Bully Syrians.
The only time when we can bully them and still have a chance at winning is when they are still baby Syrians
Ok ok ok, lets stop all those war, and admire how pretty they are
Despite all the things that I have said, they are the dumbest of all, just like the usual bully that you meet at school, how successful are they now compared to you? HAHAHA. So in a sense they would make an excellent pet as well, since that they are so big, they tend to be slower than most of us, and because they are so big, they normally still survives when not being handled properly especially by kids. As for us, the smaller size hamsters, it really hurt when the kids squeezes us too hard, or drops us on the floor, some of us might pass away if we are not strong enough.

And finally, the sex part. If you have bought a Syrian hamster, don't just trust what the pet shop owner says, no, you should not buy them in pair, they will fight, yes, you don't see them fighting then, but when they are a little older, normally within 2 months, they will start fighting, and you might say you will supervise, when they fight you will separate them, sure, that is if you can be there 24/7, and don't sleep, else, you will find both or all of them dead, if you are lucky enough, you might still have one still standing, but wounded. And you will have to send it to the vet to be treated. So why lose your hamster and waste money for a trip to the vet, just don't house more than one Syrian together, but it is ok if you want to buy more than one, just make sure each one of them has a 2ft plastic tank (minimum requirement). And when sexing them, refer to the image below
Well, that should be all about my cousin the Syrian, until next time, bye bye